This past year has been both stressful but fun at the same time. As a university student, I started blogging in the beginning of this year because it was required but now that I look at it, I personally do enjoy documenting my thoughts on different topics. I can see why bloggers do what they do, its because its an enjoyable way to put thoughts out into the world. This will be my last blog for this year, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas (Or Christinemas as I like to say) and a Happy New Year!

Image from: Microsoft

For this blog I want to talk about how John Brawley writes his blogs with his audience in mind. Brawley and all successful bloggers, know what their audience want and create content based off what they know about their demographic. As I am an aspiring filmmaker, I believe Brawley gives great detail in his posts that target towards educating beginners or intermediates.

Taken from John Brawley’s blog: Olympus Does 4K

What audiences will notice from the screenshot below is that some words are bigger than others and this demonstrates Brawley’s knowledge about his readers. Film equipment and film production stand out the most, implying audiences are most likely to click and read posts in this category.

Taken from John Brawley’s Blog Page

I believe when people first start blogging, they never really have their audience in mind. Keeping audiences in mind when you type comes gradually, or right after you receive a following. Although I know my lecturers are the ones reading this, there are also chances that other students or fellow bloggers are reading this too and therefore I like to write for people I don’t even know. By following John Brawley and by blogging I realize when type, I don’t just write these blogs for my lecturers to mark, I write for myself and other people that happen to stumble upon my blog. Next year, I hope to write more personal blogs, blogs about me and anything about me, whether that be university related, filming related, or my life, just as John Brawley does (because lets face it, we can write more about our own experiences than others). I feel like it will be fun to look back on and people might find it entertaining (or maybe not, oh well).

Well, that is all from me this year! Hope everyone has a Merry Christinemas and a Happy New Year!


John Brawley’s Blog Page: https://johnbrawley.wordpress.com/

John Bralwey’s Blog: https://johnbrawley.wordpress.com/2017/07/31/olympus-does-4k/

Nguyen, K. (2016). Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017. Microsoft. Retrieved December 2017, from https://community.dynamics.com/nav/f/34/t/220944

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